20-31 Jul 2021 Cargèse (France)
20-31 Jul 2021 Cargèse, Corsica (France)

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5th Cargese summer school on Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media:

The 5th Cargèse summer school on Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media will be jointly organized by CNRS, the university of Rennes, the university of Oslo, Njord and PoreLab. It will take place from July 20 to July 31 2021 at the Cargese Institute, Corsica, France. The summer school will provide participants with a high level interdisciplinary training on funamental processes and recent theoretical and methodological advances on the characterization and modelling of flow, transport and reactive processes in porous and fractured media.

Sanitary measures:

Update 1/1/2021: The summer school organization is fully adapted to the sanitary situation. All appropriate measures will be taken to garantee a safe journey. The summer school is maintained in face-to-face in the Cargèse Institute. For participants that cannot travel at the time of the summerschool because of covid-19, all the classrooms will be also available in streaming.

Download the official sanitary commitment letter to provide to your instutions: PDF.

Organizing Committee :

Tanguy Le Borgne (University of Rennes, France)
Linda Luquot (CNRS, Montpellier, France)
Joris Heyman (CNRS, Rennes, France)
François Renard (University of Oslo, Norway)

Scientific Committee :

Anne de Wit (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Philippe Davy (CNRS, France)
Marco Dentz (CSIC Barcelona, Spain)
John Selker (Oregon State University, USA)
Jennifer Druhan (University of Illinois, USA)
Dani Or (ETH, Switzerland)
Damien Jougnot (CNRS, France)
Clément Roques (University of Rennes, France)

First confirmed speakers :

John Selker (Oregon State University, USA)
Tom Battin (EPFL, Swizerland)
Peter Kang (University of Minnesota, USA)
Piotr Szymczak (University of Warzawa, Poland)
Anne de Wit (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Marie Violay (EPFL, Swizerland)
Marco Dentz (CSIC Barcelona, Spain)
Joachim Mathiesen (Niels Bohr Inst., Denmark)
Felipe de Barros (University of Southern California, USA)
Damien Jougnot (CNRS, France)
Marcel Moura (University of Oslo, Norway)
Delphine Roubinet (CNRS, France)
Stefan Krause (University of Birmingham, UK)
Catherine Noiriel (University of Toulouse, France)
Denis Bartolo (ENS Lyon, France)
Yohan Davit (IMFT, France)

Important dates :

Opening of registration: December 2020
Full program: May 2021
Deadline for abstract submission: 1st of March 2021
Payment: April 2021
Summer school: 20-31 July 2021

Registration :

Registration is now open. It is done in four steps:

  1. Pre-registration: create a log in and password using the following link https://cargese2021.sciencesconf.org/registration
  2. Abstract  submission: submit an abstract for a poster presentation and a short letter explaining your motivation for participating to the summer school. A template file is available on the website https://cargese2021.sciencesconf.org/data/submit/template_4.docx. Submission is done from https://cargese2021.sciencesconf.org/user/submissions.
  3. Participant selection: participants will be selected in April 2021 based on the submitted abstract and motivation letter
  4. Payment:: selected participants will then proceed to registration fee payment 

Registration fees:

Registration fees will include access to summer school, individual housing and lunches for the full duration of the school. The amount of fees will be adjusted depending on the outcome of current funding applications and will be communicated in the website in march 2021. It will be between 1300 and 1600€. 

Features :

The program of the summer school is under preparation (see program of 4th, 3rd, and 2nd summer schools). By combining lectures and research seminars, the summer school is designed to be accessible to participants with a broad range of backgrounds. The daily program will include 2 lectures on fundamental processes and 3 research seminars presenting the most recent advances in this field. Hands-on exercises will be organized on i) numerical methods, ii) laboratory imaging, iii) field sensing and monitoring. 

The 2021 summer school will present a range of applications, including critical zone dynamics, surface water-groundwater interactions. global water management, ecohydrology, geothermal energy, CO2 storage, induced seismicity, seawater intrusion, subsurface remediation, and risk assessment for nuclear waste storage and shale gas production.

Each participant will have the opportunity to present his/her current work during poster sessions. The outstanding environment of Cargèse favors informal interactions between participants and lecturers. 

Program overlook and confirmed speakers

  • Fundamental processes

Multiphase flows and unsaturated zone dynamics
Water cycle and water resources
Dispersion, mixing and reactive transport 
Microbiological processes: biofilm, transport of microorganisms and reaction kinetics
Biogeochemical kinetics and cycles
Surface water – groundwater interactions
Hydro-mechanics and fractured networks

  • Tools

Upscaling techniques
Numerical simulation methods
Microtomography imaging
Microfluidics and experimental methods for investigating porous media processes
Deep learning and inversion
Hydrogeophysical methods




The previous Cargèse Summer Schools on "Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured media" have taken place in the summers of 2005, 2010 (osur.univ-rennes1.fr/cargese2010), 2015 (osur.univ-rennes1.fr/cargese2015) and 2018 (cargese2018.sciencesconf.org). 

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